Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch (DRW): Pundbreche


, Genus?

zu ae. pyndan einschließen
Einbrechen in einen Pferch, Bruch eines Geheges
  • si pundbreche, id est infractura parrici, fiat in curia regis, plena wita sit, alibi v mance. pundbreche fit pluribus modis, emissione, euocatione, receptione, excussione [if pundbreche, that is, breach of pound, is committed in the king's domain, the penalty shall be the full wite; elsewhere it shall be five mancuses. Pundbreche is committed in several ways: by letting out, by enticing out, by receiving into possession, or by re-appropriation] 
    1114/18 LHenrici 144